
I’m Levi Smith

and it is my passion to work alongside individuals as they realize and step into their full potential. As a transformational coach I am passionate about growth and about what motivates and inspires change in people. Working with individuals in this capacity has given me many opportunities to have a front-row seat to witness people making changes and gradually and dramatically transforming over time. My role in that process is simple: listening to the other person enough where I can accurately understand and recognize their experiences, desires, emotions, baseline beliefs, and self-perception and then reflecting that back to them through asking questions about what they’ve just told me. The result is self-awareness, and when it comes to growth self-awareness is transformational. It is my belief and experience that seeing oneself clearly provides a powerful opportunity not just to make specific external changes, but to see a way forward that creates change internally. For me, self-awareness is the first step to truly taking ownership over one’s life. Proverbs 4:23 comes to mind: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” (NKJV)

Focus areas in my work:


Enneagram Coaching

The enneagram is a complex personality framework that provides unique and powerful opportunities for self-development. Using a 27-point personality index, we’ll explore your natural strengths, challenges, and growth opportunities of your personality type. These sessions begin with an interview to help identify your type, and continue through different elements of this system to help you maximize self-awareness, increase emotional intelligence, and clarify personal growth goals tailored to your personality type.

Destiny Discovery Coaching

If you’re unsure of what you’re made for, you aren’t alone. It’s not uncommon to struggle to know or to lose sight of our unique destiny. These sessions are designed to increase clarity around who you are uniquely called to be, and what value you uniquely bring for the sake of others. We will work together in synthesizing your design, passion, purpose, and calling. We will explore moments where you touched what you are made for, identify the unique life messages that you carry, and unearth the embodied core values that deeply motivate you.

Emotional Health Coaching/Consulting

Our quality of life is directly connected to how well we manage and take ownership over our emotions. We can often find ourselves stuck in the same emotional ruts and patterns when we don’t take the time or intentionally direct our energy toward giving our emotions space to fully process. If what you’ve been doing to navigate your emotions isn’t working for you, these sessions can help. We’ll work together through a variety of methods and tools to help you feel your way through your emotions, learn to value the gift that they are rather than working against them, and to grow in your ability to give yourself compassion and show yourself kindness where it is most needed.

I’d love to talk with you - click here to schedule a complementary Exploratory Session today!

“Levi is so good with listening and giving feedback; opening up blindspots so that others can step into more.” -Nancee

Let’s connect!